Our sincerest thoughts are with the family and friends of Roy whose body was found near the shoreline of the River Medina yesterday. Be the first to add your thoughts in the comments section ↓. Flowers. This in from police,& ...
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How dumb is dumb? Rule #1: If you have something to hide from the cops, don`t call attention to your vehicle by your driving, by expired tabs, by looking furtive when you pass a police car. 12-9 Traffic stop for expired tabs.
Two Shoreline police vehicles at US Bank Photo by Victoria Rhoades. According to eyewitness Vicki Rhoades, there were four police cars and a fire truck clustered around the bank entrance, with an aid car arriving afterwards. Posted by DKH at 9:44 PM. Tags: police ... Subscribe. Posts. Atom. Posts. Comments. Atom. Comments. © Blogger template The Professional Template II by Ourblogtemplates.com 2009. Back to TOP. Links to this post. Create a Link.
Shoreline Schools open the 2013-14 school year on Wednesday, Sept. 4 and the District is working closely with the Shoreline and Lake Forest Park Police Departments to keep students safe. Shoreline Police will be doing traffic safety emphasis patrols around the schools as they open for classes. In Lake Forest Park, the traffic safety photo ... Comments. © Blogger template The Professional Template II by Ourblogtemplates.com 2009. Back to TOP. Links to this post.
Our sincerest thoughts are with the family and friends of Roy whose body was found near the shoreline of the River Medina yesterday. Be the first to add your thoughts in the comments section ↓. Flowers. This in from police,& ...
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